CESURA opens the doors of its headquarters in Pianello Val Tidone (Italy) for one day of portfolio reviews, studio visits, talks, and the exhibition 15 + 1. 15 + 1 traces the history of the collective’s sixteen years through an editing of photos from the major projects and a selection of archival images taken in the studio. The exhibition also pays tribute to the 10th anniversary of Andy Rocchelli’s death with a wall that will trace the conflict in Ukraine through the photographers of the collective.


Portfolio Reviews

Portfolio Reviews

Saturday, June 22th

You can book portfolio reviews with photographers Arianna Arcara, Stefania Bosso, Chiara Fossati, Claudio Majorana, Gabriele Micalizzi, Valentina Neri, and Alex Zoboli. The portfolio review is free of charge, but please bring a printed portfolio.

You can book a maximum of one portfolio review by sending an email to (please include “Open Day Portfolio Review” in the subject line). Depending on the photographer you choose, we will inform you of the day and time of the review. If you wish to book more than one portfolio review, please specify this in your email: we will update you if any slots become available. Please understand that we are trying to accommodate everyone.

The deadline for booking portfolio reviews is Friday, June 21th.

The portfolio reviews will take place in the garden in front of the bocciofila ( Via Giuseppe Castagnetti 12, 29010, Pianello Val Tidone)

Don’t miss the chance!

Pianello Val Tidone, Italy
June 22, 2024
Morning from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Afternoon from 3 to 4:30 p.m.



During the Open Day , CESURA will host the following talks in the garden in front of  bocciofila ( Via Giuseppe Castagnetti 12, 29010, Pianello Val Tidone)

Saturday 26 June: DISPACCI with CESURA PUBLISH and Alex Zoboli 5 PM

MAL DE MER with Claudio Majorana and Matteo Di Giovanni 6:30 PM


Studio Visits

Studio Visits

Our studio visits will take place on Saturday June 22th (11 AM to 12 AM and 3 PM to 4 PM)  at CESURA’s headquarters in Via del Campo Sportivo 6, Pianello Val Tidone.

Cesura Publish Stands

Cesura Publish Stands

During the Open Day weekend you will also find our Publishing House’s table, with our latest titles and much more. Our tables will be in front of bocciofila ( Via Giuseppe Castagnetti 12, 29010, Pianello Val Tidone)